Museum Guides / Docents
The Museum offers guided tours of its collection and special exhibitions to adult and student groups on a year-round basis. Prior to guiding, volunteer guides must complete a training course and successfully conduct a tour for a member of the education staff.
Special Events
Throughout the year, the Museum hosts numerous special events, which require the assistance of volunteers during the week, on weekends and evenings. These events include our Summer Concert Series, Christmas House Tour, lectures, The Peto Cup Race and more!
Data Entry + Archiving
Clerical and Data Entry tasks can take place in a variety of areas at the Museum. These volunteers can also assist with events and projects on an “as needed” basis. These activities may include set-up of events, greeting guests, administrative tasks and other specialized duties.
For additional information, or to become a volunteer, please send an e-mail to or call 732.929.4949