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Trompe L’oeil Meets Surrealism…escaping reality
Opened Saturday, October 16, 2021 – Closes Sunday, December 19, 2021
A tantalizing display of trickery and deception featuring collections of objects and photographs which fool the eye or go against reality. Featuring artists: Gary Erbe, Franz Jozef Ponstingl, and Win Zibeon
Tours are by appointment only: Saturdays and Sundays, 1 p.m., 2 p.m., 3 p.m.
Masks or face coverings are required when entering the Museum, regardless of vaccination status.
Don’t forget to tag your photos: #petomuseum when attending any of our events or exhibitions.
Autumn is Calling We invite you to Stroll through the
Peto Garden Open Daily
Board Member Spotlight
The John F. Peto Studio Museum is pleased to announce the addition of two new members to its Board of Trustees.
Delaney Burke
is a working artist with a professional background in store design. While living in Los Angeles for two years, she developed her professional background in visual merchandising, working in Curacao’s corporate office. Prior to moving to California, she was a periodicals and archival assistant for three years at Stockton University. Delaney’s educational background includes a BFA in Visual Design and a concentration in painting. She is looking forward to applying to international graduate programs to further her studies in the near future. While growing up in Island Heights, Delaney received professional painting and drawing lessons that provided her with the tools to pursue a career as an artist. Her work is painting and mixed media based; currently focused on the study of form as it relates to non-traditional application and color theory processes. She currently works as a freelance artist and graphic designer and is actively pursuing a professional career as a store designer. Since returning to New Jersey, she has been working with the John F. Peto Studio Museum as a volunteer to improve social media outreach and help with design related projects.
Cynthia Kinstler
served as a teacher at the Island Heights Grade School for 32 years, where she taught sixth grade, the Gifted and Talented Program, and served as a counselor and administrator. She was also an adjunct in the teachers’ education program at Georgian Court University for several years. Cyndy’s educational background includes a BA in Education, an MA in Student Personnel Services/Guidance, and 30 additional graduate credit certifications in supervision and administration. Cynthia has traveled extensively, much of it a result of winning competitive grants, including a Fulbright-Hayes Award that enabled her to travel to Israel and Egypt, another Fulbright Hayes Award that enabled her to spend six weeks in India (where she met Mother Teresa), a Keizai Koho Center Fellowship (The Japan Institute for Social and Economic Affairs), and an award from the Korea Society and Korea Foundation that enabled her to spend two and one-half weeks in Korea. She also participated in a teacher exchange to Russia. Outside the classroom and closer to home, Cynthia served as the Commodore of the Toms River Yacht Club in 2006 and as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Sailing Foundation of Barnegat Bay. Cyndy claims that she is not artistic, but she has visited museums all over the world and notes that she was especially thrilled when she saw a small collection of Petos in a private museum in Madrid, Spain.
Amazon Smile
During this giving season, please turn on AmazonSmile in the Amazon app to generate donations to the John F. Peto Studio Museum.
Simply follow these instructions to turn on AmazonSmile and start generating donations every time you shop.
Don’t forget to select the John F. Peto Studio Museum as your receiving charity.
1. Go into the main menu of the Amazon Shopping app and tap into ‘Settings’
2. Tap ‘AmazonSmile’ and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process
Giving Tuesday
Save the Date#PetoMuseumGivingTuesday
Every act of generosity counts and everyone has something to give.