Peto Presents: Living Shore Line - Marsh Restoration Project

1/16/2025 from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM ET

Megan Zorns, Senior Park Naturalist at Cattus Island County Park, will present an overview of the changes along the shoreline of Cattus Island and the plans for marsh restoration.

Cattus Island is the most significant salt marsh and the largest breakwater in the northern portion of Barnegat Bay. The overall goal of this project is to restore critical shoreline areas of Cattus Island County Park to address significant erosion and prevent extreme wetlands and habitat loss in the Barnegat Bay. Some areas of the park have lost more than 300 feet over the past 85 years. This erosion is likely to increase over time, if the shoreline and especially the northeast peninsula known as “Page’s Point” is not stabilized. 

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The John F. Peto Studio Museum received funding this year from a grant administered by the Ocean County Cultural & Heritage Commission from funds granted by the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, a division of the Department of State.





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